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5-23-12 Patriotic Commission Minutes
 May 23, 2012

A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrne called the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at 7:25 p.m. in the second floor conference room in the Town Hall, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

PRESENT:        Paul Barry, Patricia Begley, Margaret Byrnes, Linda Carrasquillo, Charles Clarke, Bernard Corona, Edward Dettore, Vincent Parys, Eugene Pushefski, Susan Tukey, Melodie Wilson



ALSO PRESENT:    Robin E. Parys, Clerk.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Vice Chairperson Patricia Begley motioned for approval of April 18th minutes.  Commissioner Edward Dettore 2nd.

                                                MOTION:  Approved.  


CORRESPONDENCE:  Chairperson Margaret Byrnes received a thank you from Ann Dillon for the donation to the Windsor Fife & Drum Corps honoring Fran’s memory.  The Commission has also received the application for participation in the Hartford Veteran’s Day Parade, Sunday, November 4th at 12:30.  Commissioner Edward Dettore motioned the Commission participate.  Commissioner Vincent Parys 2nd.
                MOTION:  Approved.

BILLS:  Motion made by Commissioner Charles Clarke to pay the clerk.  Commissioner Patricia Begley 2nd.
                                          MOTIONS:  Approved.  

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Commission balance is 6,769.51.

UNFINISHED/OLD/ BUSINESS: 2012 service at Bicentennial Square and Memorial Day Parade speakers and Clergy have been obtained.  Commissioner Edward Dettore will MC the service at Bicentennial Square.   


NEW BUSINES: Commissioner Charles Clarke notified the Commission that the used flags from the cemetery were not being stored respectfully in a receptacle, but left in a pile.  Chairperson Margaret Byrnes will research and report to the Commission.  

MISCELLANEOUS: The Commission met on 5/28/2012 at the AAA Diner to finalize the details for the Memorial Day Parade.  Commissioner Vincent Parys motioned the Commission cancel the June, July and August meetings.  Commissioner Paul Barry 2nd.

                                          MOTION:  Approved.
Chairperson Margaret Byrnes adjourned the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Robin E. Parys, Clerk

Cc:  Town Clerk (original)
    Office of the Mayer